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Permit Fishing With Dad

Report Date: March 4, 2004

My Dad came into town earlier this week, and unfortunately the wind has been howling ever since he arrived. There are very few anglers I would have left the dock for, but my Dad eats, sleeps and thinks like a Permit.

Permit At Twilight: 3/7/03

The first day we saw 8 Permit. We had shots at all 8, but failed to get a hook up. We determined the wind had the critters even more nervous than usual. We saw plenty of Cuda, but as usual it did us little good. Dad fishes Cuda?s like Permit, and that does not work.

The next day out we saw only 3 Permit, but caught 2 of the 3. Each fish weighed in the mid-20?s and the wind made the fight all the more fun. We had poor sky, so the angler and guide worked in tandem to find each Permit.

Yesterday was a hoot. Wind was blowing 25-30 MPH as we arrived at first flat before 8:00. As I was getting on the platform I walked off the side of the boat into the water. No foul as we were only in 14 inches of water. Then, after pushing into the wind for at least 20 minutes, we saw a Permit large enough to put a saddle on. When my Dad threw the crab, the wind blew the crab off the hook. I immediately decided to stake up to see if we would get another shot at the monster fish. As Dad and I were searching for the critter, my push pool snapped in half from the pressure of the wind and tide. That was a first for both of us.

Not to be denied, with a half of push pole, I pushed the flats for 3 more hours. From that point on we only saw 2 more Permit, but Dad was able to land one of the two. It was another beauty that was in the 20-pound class.

The wind continues to blow, and Dad and I are spending today on the dock. Hopefully the weatherman will cooperate, and the wind will back down in the next couple of days. When it does, the Permit and Tarpon fishing should be fantastic.

So, Let?s go fish!


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