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Tropical storm Isaac can help fishing.

Report Date: August 24, 2012

Although a tropical storm or hurricane is not a welcome event for us living in the keys, it can be good for fishing.
By this time of year water temps can reach upwards of 90 degree on the flats. The fishing slows ways down, when water gets to hot. I'm not totally certain why, but I credit this to the fact that hot water holds much less oxygen. So therefore the fish are not so happy swimming or feeding in these conditions.
When a tropics storm or depression roll in the barometric pressure drops. Usually producing a slightly drier, cooler air. With the addition of heavy winds, which cool surface temp. Of water, and heavy amounts of rainfall the end result can be much cooler water..
I found that the days following the storm, after the water visibility cleaned up, the water was 5 degrees cooler...
The permit fishing went off the charts. Lots of fish and very happy to eat crabs or flies.
Get out and get em while you can.
This cool down and storm was much needed here in key west.


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